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A word from our pastor
1 Peter 4:10
I am certain that God is about to do a GREAT and MIGHTY work in this house! It is vital that all members get EXCITED, INVOLVED and individually understand that their role in Greater Grace’s assignment is very important.
God has declared this to be the time that Greater Grace will rise out of the shadows. We are rising to a place where our involvement shall affect magnitudes; not only as members of GGMBC, but also the entire Center Point area, the world at large, and ultimately, the Kingdom of God.
As you agree to partner with GGMBC and share in our vision, I ask that you do so with the greatest excellence and professionalism possible.
As you proceed in taking part, PLEASE do so by releasing notions of this calling as being merely a good idea or a nice thought. Accept and embrace this mission as GOD’S will for us.
Greater Is Here,
Pastor Lawrence Jackson, Sr.
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